Monday, November 29, 2010

Facebook unfriending triggered asthma attack

Can virtual friends give you asthma? The question is put in an unusual case study reported on Friday by the medical journal The Lancet.

Italian doctors describe how a 18-year-old man with a history of asthma suddenly experienced bouts of breathlessness during the summer months, when he was normally free from these symptoms.

The teen's worried mother learned that he was depressed after breaking up with his girlfriend, who had deleted him from her list of "friends" on Facebook while "friending" lots of new young men.

Using a new nickname on Facebook, the young man succeeding in becoming her "friend" once more and in finally gaining access to her picture on her Facebook profile.

Intrigued, the doctors asked the patient to wear an airflow mask, measuring respiratory flow, whenever he accessed Facebook.

Sure enough, his breathing volume dramatically plunged as soon as he logged in, sometimes by more than 20 percent. After getting help from a psychiatrist, the patient determined not to login to Facebook any more -- and the asthma attacks stopped.

The patient had no other physical problems or anything else untoward in his medical history, say the investigators.

They conclude it was the stress of Facebook login that triggered the asthma: the patient literally choked at the prospect of seeing and communicating with his ex.

The case is reported in a letter by five doctors, led by Gennaro D'Amato of the High Speciality Hospital in Naples.

The authors say the case could be a useful tip for doctors who want to explore mystery cases of wheezing and breathlessness among young patients, for whom social networking is fast taking the place of real-life relationships, with all their ups and downs.

"Facebook, and social networks in general, could be a new source of psychological stress, representing a triggering factor for exacerbations in depressed asthmatic individuals," says the letter.

"Considering the high prevalence of asthma, especially among young people, we suggest that this type of trigger be considered in the assessment of asthma exacerbations."

This is a great individual instance illustrating how unresolved emotional issues can be powerful roots explaining the symptoms of asthma, and where you ultimately need to go to make good use of your asthma home remedies. Homeopathically, deeper treatment would include the remedy Natrum Muriaticum, which helps relieve the lungs, as well as release unresolved feelings of loss or grief.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Natural Asthma Relief -- Part 7 | Essential Oil Reviews Blog

Allergy fact
About 80% of children and 50% of adults with asthma also have allergies.


  • Respiratory infections, such as those caused by viral “colds,” bronchitis, and sinusitis
  • Drugs, such as aspirin, other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and beta blockers (used to treat blood pressure and other heart conditions)
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Outdoor factors, such as smog, weather changes, and diesel fumes
  • Indoor factors, such as paint, detergents, deodorants, chemicals, and perfumes
  • nighttime
  • GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disorder)
  • Exercise, especially under cold dry conditions
  • Work-related factors, such as chemicals, dusts, gases, and metals
  • Emotional factors, such as laughing, crying, yelling, and distress
  • Hormonal factors, such as in premenstrual syndrome

Did you know that Asthma is the most common chronic illness affecting children?  Asthma is more common among boys than it is among girls. In 2004, 7 percent of males under age 18 were reported to have asthma, compared with 4 percent of females.  At least one-third of the

24.7 million people diagnosed with asthma are children under the age of 18.  Asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children under age 15.  The percentage of children with asthma has increased over the past two decades, from 3percent in 1981 to 6 percent in 2002, where it remained through 2004.

People most commonly use an inhaler as their asthma remedy.  Some possible side effects of using an inhaler are: Headache, Cough, irritated or runny nose, feelings of rapidly or forcefully beating hear (heart Palpitations), muscle or bone pain, throat irritation, upper respitory tract infections, nausea, nervousness and vomiting.  Using the inhaler as an asthma remedy does not trigger these possible side effects in everyone, but why not try something that has zero side effects, especially for children.

I would like to share a storey with you of how a young boy is using doTerra essential oils as his asthma remedy.  This young boy loves to play outside and be active like most children.  But his activity was greatly restricted due to his Asthma.  Medication is what he used for his asthma remedy until his mother was introduced to doterra essential oils.  This young boy happened to be in the middle of an allergic Asthma attack when a friend was visiting who happened to have her essential oils with her.   Instead of giving him his scheduled Asthma Remedy of an albuterol treatment, they opted to try the Breathe oil. Within minutes he stopped coughing and has whole-heartedly requested the essential oils instead of his treatments ever since then.

This young boy actually went two entire months without an inhaler or steroids. Recently his school nurse administered his inhaler without calling the mother first and it actually brought on more symptoms instead of relieving them.  This young boy chooses oils for his asthma remedy and is hooked on the power of essential oils. They diffuse Breathe at night and apply it to his chest as needed.  They love the oils!

It is always recommended to progress with allergy treatment (and in turn natural asthma relief) under the care of a licensed medical practitioner.

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This is very interesting to us, as we have been investigating the use of various essential oils as a form of treatment for asthma. The subject of “oils”, in general, forms a great spectrum of therapeutics, all the way from edible oils which supply correct nutrition for the body, all the way up to the highest forms of oils, which are essential oils, aimed at remediating the core “ego” conflicts that get wedged into the bio-energetic system.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Healing Honey | Lite Bite

This is a good summary of the benefits of honey as a natural cough remedy as well as its use as one of the best known asthma home remedies.

Sea Salt and Water – Natural Asthma Treatment | Quazen

One of the most powerful asthma natural can be found in your own kitchen! Sea salt and water intake is a powerful alternative for the treatment of asthma. The next time you have an asthma attack, try putting a pinch of sea salt under the tongue, and drink a glass of water. If this does not work immediately, do not worry. Try another of salt with one cup of warm water.

Sea salt is a very powerful natural antihistamine. Can also be used in an inhaler, without harmful side effects of most medical drugs. Taking a pinch of sea salt with water helps to break the mucus plugs in the lungs, get rid of phlegm and stop persistent dry cough that accompanies any asthma attacks. It is also a natural antiseptic that helps the body fight germs and bacteria and helps maintain your body’s electrolytes in a healthy balance.

Many people also unknowingly suffering from dehydration. In the hectic lifestyle of today, many people do not drink enough water. To make matters worse, they usually drink coffee and tea instead of plain water. Beverages such as coffee and tea are diuretics that cause your body to lose more water. When you do not drink enough water to properly hydrate the body, the airways tend to close in an attempt to prevent water escaping as steam. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated address this problem.

Start drinking half your body weight every day in ounces of water (we recommend at least 8 glasses of water a day) and get some natural sea salt with water. Let your body gets used to this routine, ensuring that you do not drink a gallon of water all at once. Divide consumption throughout the day so your body can properly absorb the water and you do not flood your system at once. This will keep your body hydrated throughout the day and prevent asthma attacks naturally.

If you’ve been doing this daily routine, and the asthmatic condition has not improved, perhaps it is time to look at other possible causes as well. Related occupational asthma is a common cause for many people, and warrants further research on your part.

As a Doctor of Medical Heilkunst and Homeopathy, I always find it fascinating to find "accidental" uses of homeopathic principles in traditional or asthma home remedies. The suggestion of the use of salt under the tongue to stop an asthma attack is explainable in terms of basic homeopathic principles, in that salt is the original substance that one of the main homeopathic remedies for asthma (Natrum Muriaticum) is made of. The second suggestion in this article to keep properly hydrated is also very important for asthma patients, as it tends to be a chronic problem for asthma sufferers. Even if all you have access to is municipal tap water, then that is the lesser of two evils compared with the chronic ill effects of dehydration.